Kategori: Dikter om livet

An apple is an apple

An apple is an apple. No more. Jet if you ask the apple, it will tell you that it’s everything.

A child is everything. It holds the darkest mysteries of the universe, life just as death. But if you ask an apple, it will say: it’s just a child. No more.

We see life, the human life as everything. All else we either step over, or pull apart, fascinated of how it can be almost as important as humans. We tell ourselves that we are fair, that a slave will feel better being ruled over.

Some people WILL feel best, will achieve the most, and explore all their potential, in the hands of someone else, but we need to ask ourselves, is it right? Is it right that the little wonders of our world are just that? Little, less than us, less than what we can shape them too, always less, than what we want them to be.

If there is a god, how must he think of us? How must our creator feel when we, his most advanced and proud creatures, cattle, see ourselves above him. How must he feel when we pull all his thing apart, just to understand and make ourselves even more important?

How would you feel if an ant suddenly invaded your home, killed your children and claimed to be better than you. Say that you let it be, because it would soon die. But instead it raises all its’ after comes to do the same? To slowly eat your house apart, and you stand there watching as everything you work for is ruined by one little ant.

How would you feel?

If god created the apocalypse, it’s not a punishment for our sins. It’s pest control. Clearing out the heart from the invaders, us. Killing us would be an act of mercy for all others. We destroy everything much faster than anyone can clean up our mess.

Now, if you would look at that apple? What would you ask it?

If you could talk to those ants, what would you tell them?

And when death comes to reap you, will you leave more destruction after you or will you have changed the next generation's way of thinking?

Hannahsson är medlem sedan 2015 Hannahsson har 3 publicerade verk


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