Kategori: Dikter


(Jörgen Jansson)

I’ve been through the dark alleys
Cold tunnels in shadowlands
I’ve been in the cave of evil
I’ve been running the cooridore
My own magic keeps me down
Don’t wanna show up in hell again

I balance between illusion and reality
I live in the age of social insanity
I balance on a wire without an end
I assume you can stop what’s going on
This balance, rights and wrong
This balance, life and death
I live in the age of war and vanity
This balance, to have it all and be without

You meet me flying high
You thought this world was enough
Can’t you see I belong elsewhere?
Can’t you see life is more than this?
I will for always keep my key
To the gate of powerful fantasy

I balance between doughs and believes
I live in the age of totally distinct methods
I balance every hour between faith and fall
I assume you can stop what’s going on
This balance, rights and wrong
This balance, life and death
I live because I let myself fight for the right
This balance, to have it all and be without

Skriven av: Jörgen Jansson.


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Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…


På andra plats denna veckan: Rebecca Wargenklo