Kategori: Sorgliga dikter

Cooled heart

You had right
When time tell you that you are in love you can not obtain it to something uncler
I never tried that because I am taught
I was just in love it was everything I was at that time
And I did let myself embrace me with it because I loved you
And it was an amazing feeling, to be converted by you
But now I guess it is over and there is nothing more to say
So erase your feelings the thing that you wanted me to
You must forgive your heart when love has cooled, you showed me how it felt to be alone to feel this tacthics.
But concerning, as for the cooled heart I am not happy
Listen, it hurts me
But you are my inner core
And I am your deepest sadness
I guess I need to live by it.
There comes a time when I do not longing for you anymore
Somewhere in this world there is someone better than you and with that thought I will get over you
And then you can call the things we had " call it a day"
But I am sure that when that happens and I am happy you do everything to win me back.
But you have already lost me. And I am done wth you

Skriven av: Anonym M-lettan F :)


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Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…


På andra plats denna veckan: Rebecca Wargenklo