Kategori: Dikter

Do you even care anymore?

Welcome and listen
To this story that I’m gone tell
It’s about you
And it’s about me
It’s about us together
Something that you’ll never gone see

I meet you before
It seems like so long ago
You were happy you were smiling
You maid me laugh
But it was long ago
And I didn’t even know…

I keep asking myself
Do you even care anymore?
All this lies and all this treachery
Do you even care anymore?
I can’t accept it now
We were so happy before
We could smile
We could kiss
We could love each other

But that was long ago
Do you even care anymore?
I’m freezing
In my heart
I’m crying
In my heart
But you’ll never see because
Because I don’t even know
Do you even care anymore?
Do you even care that I’m freezing?
That I’m crying?
That I don’t want to live?

You don’t even care anymore!
Do you even care anymore?
We were loving
We were happy
I remember those times
It would be a lie to say
That I can remember all the love we hade
More then all the hate I feel

But it doesn't matter
Because you...
You don't even care anymore.

Skriven av: Amie


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Veckans författare:


Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…


På andra plats denna veckan: Rebecca Wargenklo