Kategori: Dikter om hopp
Even a fallen can shine
Every day, we live in a world with disaster, hate, love, lies, sadness and happiness.
Every day, we may regret, the sadness we cause and disasters we made.
Every day, we wake up, feeling tired of this world, Everyday feels the same,
Every day we get up, go to work or school,
Every day you feel like you fallen deeper and deeper into the darkness,
But one day Every day will change. You will be the star of someone, someone who loves you very much
or someone who needs you very much, you, and everyone, is a fallen star and you will shine again,
Felixkaka är medlem sedan 2017 Felixkaka har 7 publicerade verk
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Veckans författare:
Ann Larsson
Snart femtioårig fyrbarnsmamma från Norrbotten som alltid älskat att skriva.
På andra plats denna veckan: Petra Christiansen