Kategori: Dikter

I will always love you

Where did you go?
What did you do?
I stayed up all night
Waiting for you
Do you know what happened?
Well, of course you do
I have to go to work now
By the way, I love you

Are you still watching TV?
Do you want to go to the bar?
It will be solved, believe me
And oh, they fixed “X”s car
I just have to change my clothes
Then if you want to, we can go
I guess I’m going anyway
And by the way, I love you

What is going on here?!
Who the fuck are they?!
No, there’s no way I’m going there
I have nothing more to say
I don’t know anything
What the hell did you do?
I really have to go now
By the way, I love you

What a boring place to meet you
Are you really all right?
Is there anything I can do?
I couldn’t sleep last night
Are they just f***ing lying?
Are you all that insane?
I long ago stopped crying
But I’m about to start again
Now somebody is calling
I guess I have to go
No matter what is true or false
I will always love you

Skriven av: Noreah


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Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…


På andra plats denna veckan: Rebecca Wargenklo