Kategori: Roliga dikter

Inglish dikt

Today I lagade food,
I lagade meatbullar it smaka very much good,
No one died today,
Förutom my dog Frey,
He was very håry,
It was the end of this story,
He was blandad in the kött,
I ångrar not that he dött,
With potato and sylt,
That was the only purpose he fyllt,
The dog not was funny,
Maybe eat the toes with honey,
I dont like mina family member die,
But they taste supergott its inte a lie.

Gillar att laga mat men har lite humor inom mig. Jag kan tolkas ytterst formell med kläder men inte med mitt skrivande.
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På andra plats denna veckan: Petterbroberg