Kategori: Dikter

Keep Trying


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Keep Trying.

Thing runs true my mind and leave a whole mess behind. It’s all about me but I want people to see that I sometimes just lie to make everything easy, just trying to feel good. ‘Cause I constantly have feelings to sort out, thing to learn and experience to earn.

It’s easy to say no even if my feelings glow. I know that I push people aside and I got just my self to blame but I think you maybe done the same. I’m trying so hard to understand everything, to get it all right. But man I really have to fight.

Feelings that scares, action that fears. It’s all about me I hope you that see. I can be awake all night long just thinking about one special song. A song that keeps me awake and this time I don’t need to fake. I don’t need to proof; I don’t need to say it’s just the night and me that flies away.

Day passes and dark night flows by and I promise you I will try. One step closer one step ahead I keep trying what could I do instead? One step closer one step ahead

Skriven av: Frida Salomonsson


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Veckans författare:


Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…


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