Kategori: Dikter

Mere Coincidence.

(Sarah Philomena Tracy)

I remember the day it happened
The minute
The second
My soul died.
I thought it was when you left
I felt that too
The minute you stopped loving me
The last heartbeat
The last loving touch
But that wasn't it
It felt like it
I thought I'd died
My brain scrambled
Screaming - NO!
My fingers stretched
clawing you back to me
My body spread eagled
Covering the bed we slept upon
My eyes searched, but
That wasn't it
Now that the pain has released my body
To move, to think, to feel
Now, I know
I woke up and realised
I had outlived my soul!
I don't know how, but I had
It was gone
The shell was left
But the soul was gone
I laughed, but my eyes gave up the light
I felt pain which did not penetrate
I cried tears of mere saline
Something had eaten my core and left
A crumpled, broken shell
You see, it only coincided with your leaving
My soul had been searching for so long
Too long
For our love, and when it came along
It was too late
I couldn't hold on
My soul was weary and like the last page
It turned over
Looked back, observed it all
Then, fell shut
It took it all with it
Maybe for the next time
Maybe to paradise - who knows
Mere coincidence - that's all.

Skriven av: Sarah Philomena Tracy.


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Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…


På andra plats denna veckan: Rebecca Wargenklo