Kategori: Dikter
My last excuse
Tears running down an old man’s face,
a man that once was me.
Regrets for the things I couldn’t give you,
the things I never did, never said.
The night comes, light disappears
Silence, nothing more than a last breath
Breath of regrets
A man’s face fading away,
just as one of your memories
Nothing more than a distant dream.
Demons haunt a broken mind
The battle begins whit every sunrise
no peace, no cure just a single breath
a breath off regrets
I tried to find the meaning of life
the light in your eyes
The smile in your soul
The love in your heart
I hade no way to make you grow
Standing in your way
Now you are free
Don’t ever forget you got your mothers heart
Listen to it for guidance
she will show you the way
In her love you will find mine
My heart forever inbounded in hers
In you.
This is my last excuse
My last goodbye
The breath of an already dying man
The night comes, light disappears
Silence, nothing more than a last breath

Daniel Gussander är medlem sedan 2020 Daniel Gussander har 20 publicerade verk
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Veckans författare:

Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…
På andra plats denna veckan: Rebecca Wargenklo