Kategori: Dikter

Playing On.

(Jörgen Jansson)

Woke up early, day breaks
This is not my day, heart aces
No coffee, no juice, nothing left at all
This Sunday isn’t my day at all
Miriam has a grip of my bleeding heart
So tired, so confused and feeble
So I’m playing on in her game
No control in this sick situation
So I’m playing on by her rules
Playing on time and time again
Playing on time and time again
Playing on time and time again

I used to be an independent man
Head and heart worked together
I was stronger than this force
I don’t want to be the weaker player
I want to walk on that curved route
I don’t want to act in this parody
So I’m playing on for a little while
I need to control this stinking situation
Now I’m playing on with new rules
Playing on time and time again
Playing on time and time again
Playing on time and time again

Going to play some other game
Far away from Miriams bottle
Going to be the unique competitor
A combatant, a winner of a war
Trying hard to get a grip of my heart
Trying to pull myself together
This is going to be a tough game
My mind is made up, I’m determined
Can’t feel the force controlling me
Playing on time and time again
Playing on time and time again
Playing on time and time again

Skriven av: Jörgen Jansson.


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Veckans författare:


Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…


På andra plats denna veckan: Rebecca Wargenklo