Kategori: Dikter om döden

Serial killer

The dreamer that I once were will never return
Doomed by those who assumed you were crazy
Three broken teacups
Now that we're grownups we gotta have some backups
One cup of blackberry tea made me feel free
Reality made me feel like nobody
Bloody hell, feels like a carousel
Dear atmosphere, you're so unclear
Hear me when I say " I'm a serial killer"
You asked me for one painkiller
Broken mirror on the wall
You don't notice me leaving
I'm speaking with the demons
I'm bleeding n they are screaming
Give me one reason to stay alive
Realize that I might commit
Suicide tonight
Terrified next to the sunrise
Arriving to paradise
There's a child who's searching
with bleeding eyes for somewhere to stay for the night
But she never got back

Skriven av: Jackie Stelin


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Veckans författare:

Ann Larsson

Snart femtioårig fyrbarnsmamma från Norrbotten som alltid älskat att skriva.

Ann Larsson

På andra plats denna veckan: Petra Christiansen