Publicerat 16.11.2018
Kategori: Dikter om kärlek
Kategori: Dikter om kärlek
Son of a bitch
I am a son of a bitch
Beacuse to them he was never good
And I mean never.
And he never believed it either.
And I really never was one of you.
They will know I love you Cbad.
They will envy you.
Who could have tought eh?
I hope It will work.
I hope it will be.
That's all I can say
I do love you
I don't know
I feel fear in my heart
I look up to the stars.
I give myself up to fate
And I hope it will be good.
Skriven av: ökänd
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Hur blir man veckans författare?
Veckans författare:
Johan Andersson
Söker med orden, letar i mina tankar, försöker förstå mig själv, min omvärld och vad som väntar runt hörnet.
På andra plats denna veckan: Johan forssell