Kategori: Dikter
The girl sits inside the room
and the cutlery flies and
the table dances,
the fingers on it are
the seance holders.
She sits there, inside
the seancebooth,
blindfolded, in a trance.
The girl throws a
spoon into the room,
although she can´t remember it.
She believes in spirits,
and she can see them as orbs,
spectres and ghosts. She sees
them as mist or like regular people.
The seance medium gets ectoplasma
from her mouth. It looks human.
The rocking chair floats in midair.
The girl starts automatic writing,
on a sheet of paper.
The audience cheers, there are
skeptics there who don´t believe.
A boy with glasses don´t believe.
¨The girl has finished writing
and puts down the pen.
She looks at what she´s been
writing and the boy with glasses
Sofia Hellgren är medlem sedan 2015 Sofia Hellgren har 10 publicerade verk
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Hejsan hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej hej
På andra plats denna veckan: Petterbroberg