Kategori: Dikter om kärlek


How is it possible that you warm me up like the sun
From all the problems you create I try to run
Why does my heart beat so fast?
When I know this wont last
I try so hard to forget
Act like you are a stranger I never met
Even if it kills me from within
I can't let my heart win.

All these new feelings I never knew
Everything you make me go through
When your eyes meet mine
My soul starts to shine
I cant reason you make me blind
I've completely lost my mind.
Even if my soul can't stop smiling
I have to pretend and continue hiding
Because I don't want you to break my heart
I was so silly falling for you from the start.

I never thought you would be so important to me
How can that be so hard for you to see?
Everyone tells me it wont last! Its not true!
Even if they can't see how my heart screams for you
How am I supposed to move on when Im on fire?
When my heart to my brain whispers liar
When you take my breath away
When my soul whispers : Stay

Skriven av: samada krosi


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På andra plats denna veckan: Petterbroberg