Kategori: Dikter om kärlek
Why do i have these feelings
Why do I love you...
I dig in my heart to look for the answer
In the deepest of my soul I shall find,
I shall dig down to the very depths of the earth
Why do I love you...
The answer is just in front of me
In the light of your smile
In the charm of your look
In the sweetness of your caresses
The answer is just in front of me
Why do I love you...
I know now why I love you.
My heart beats faster when I see you
I feel on a cloud when I take your hand
I feel like im walking on a rainbow when im with you
Why do I love you...
It is not only for these reasons
There is of other than I do not tell you
The most mattering it is because I love you
It is you my love which I chose
And what you told me yes
For ever

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Veckans författare:

Ann Larsson
Snart femtioårig fyrbarnsmamma från Norrbotten som alltid älskat att skriva.
På andra plats denna veckan: Dasi Rygord