Kategori: Romantik noveller


Sometimes when you wake up, the world is grey. I ponder if I am colour blind or if the colours have just hidden somewhere. Looking around all I see is darkness. Thinking about what I have done and where I have been… it’s always black and white. And I never seem to dream in colour either.
I can feel the warmth of my heart, even on a cold winter’s night. My hand on my chest, oh, how it beats. But it seems to be pumping blood as dark as oil. I feel corrupted on the inside.
But then, sometimes, when I look, I can see the redness peering through, like someone inside was looking out through the blinds of a window. I get surprised and wonder why.
Now that I think about it, it has always happened around places that remind me of you.
So next time I saw you downtown I looked down on my heart and indeed, it was the fullest red it had ever been. I could see all of my blood and body being filled with new colour from every heartbeat. I looked up and followed you around the corner, hoping you wouldn’t see me and walk away.
The sky turns blue and the green of the grass gets stronger by the second. I stop for a while, looking around and suddenly I understand colour better. Like the fragrance of the air had the colour of cotton candy. Like everything had a sort of colour, each with different looks and texture depending on which sense you used. I had been born anew. Experienced colour anew.

Just like your love had gone away, so had the colour once I could no longer decipher who you were in the crowd. And I went home. The world would never show me colour again just like I’d never see your face again. And all I had lost, was suddenly b(l)ack.

Aspiring författare som just nu fördriver tiden mellan skolarbete och sömn med att skriva, för att ha kul.
Klara Joelsson är medlem sedan 2016 Klara Joelsson har 1 publicerade verk


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Hur blir man veckans författare?

Veckans författare:


Jag har skrivit i ungefär fyra års tid och har även gått några kurser inom skrivandets konst. Jag älskar att utvecklas och lära mig nya saker. Jag målar och läser även mycket olika typer av…


På andra plats denna veckan: Rebecca Wargenklo