Kategori: Romantik noveller

Hugh Mungus

Hugh Mungus.

Hugh Mungus, what?

That’s what it is.

Hugh Mungus, what? Is that a sexual harassment?

No, it’s Hugh Mungus.

Then why you did you say that to me?

That’s my name.

What? Hugh Mungus, what?

Hugh Mungus, what?

Hugh Mungus, what? Is that a sexual harassment? Is that what you just did when you said that to me?

What? Hugh Mungus?

Why would you say that to me?

Yes, it’s my name.

Why did you say that to me?

Why would I say it to you?

Why did you say that to me?

Why would you ask me my name?

What? Hugh Mungus, what? Hugh Mungus, what? Hugh Mungus, what? Hugh Mungus, what?

Skriven av: Hugh Mungus


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Veckans författare:

Ann Larsson

Snart femtioårig fyrbarnsmamma från Norrbotten som alltid älskat att skriva.

Ann Larsson

På andra plats denna veckan: Petra Christiansen