Kategori: Novell


im locked up
and the key is thrown..

i just want a place where there are no walls
where there are no limits
where there are no wars

Im locked up
and the key is thrown..

days passes, days goes by
people build walls
people keep fighting meaningless wars
i need a place where there are no walls

im locked up
and the key is thrown..

razed dreams, ruined lives
rivers of blood and oceans of tears..

why do they keep building these prison walls ?

all i want is my freedom
all i want is a place where there are no walls..

Skriven av: Bengt Kristoffersson


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Veckans författare:

Johan Andersson

Söker med orden, letar i mina tankar, försöker förstå mig själv, min omvärld och vad som väntar runt hörnet.

Johan Andersson

På andra plats denna veckan: Johan forssell