Kategori: Relationer noveller

My dear

Just one look at you. That was all it took. It’s as if I somehow lost myself in your eyes. Just to find the right way a second later. The path leading me into the depth of your soul. At that moment we melted into one. Ive never been more sure in my life. Those brown eyes full of light and hope are the shiny stars that keep me awake at night. I hate it when that smile of yours playfully awakens feeling and desires I never knew could exist. It is strange how with just one gaze you can just take my breath away whithout asking for permission. I am afraid that youve set me on fire. A fire burning stronger and stronger for every day that passes by. A fire now impossible to extinguish. What have you done to me I ask myself day after day. It feels strange because i never really knew this could exist. Could it possibly be what they call love?I've heard about it but wasn't really sure until now. You, my dear made me realize the true meaning of love. My heart, mind and soul are screaming after you. I feel the need to have you besides me.One second without you feels like a lifetime wasted. It may sound cheesy but these are the words coming from within me. words that I never really listend to until now. Life is not easy and i am only human. But I will never forget this. Because not telling you my feeling was the biggest mistake of my life. The worst was that i let fear and dout interfere in doing what was right. That is why I apologise to you. For never letting you know how much you meant to me. You might think it isn't necessary. years have passed by and maybe you have forgotten all about me. I hope you have found what you were seeking even if it wasnt with me. Still i shall never forget that look in your eyes. That said everything but I was too young and innocent to understand.We both were. but i'm sure we will meet again. if not in this life, I'll see you in the life after this.

Skriven av: samada


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