Kategori: Novell
Sailboat Albatross
Av Yngve Åslund
Third September. Dear ma and pa, I am now in the cabin of the albatross ---- a sailboat I bought today at Hamber Port. It is 13 feet long, but despite that, the cabin is rather big. To make that possible Albatross is deep-drawing of course, she really looks like an albatross when she rides at anchor.
I like her a lot, and when I return to Hamber Port --- I am going to buy a special boatwagon to be able to transport her home. I will empty my pockets clean out to do that one !
Miss Albatross is definitely worth it. well, well, well ! I will boil some tea-water now and go up on deck. Dumty is already there --- barking at the seagulls.
Forth September. It is pit-dark outside, but I think It will dawn soon. I have been sleeping really well. Dumty is still snoring --- and now and then he yaps at the seagulls who are flying inside his brain. I have lit the lantern above the table, and right now I am drawing my route on the chart, it is high sea and I am barely making it.
It is daylight, Dumty is awake and he looks a little worried. The breakers are actually even higher now, but I am not changing my plans about weighting anchor. The sea is really cosy ---- looking at it through the cabinwindow. Well, I will go outside and buckle up. So keep your fingers crossed.
Houky crow !! That was something !
But I Think that the sailcanvas will hold. I lashed the rudder, so if the wind is fairly straight (which I think it will be), I can stay in the cabin for a couple of hours ---- cook some food and eat. But in case, I am going to ogle at the compass now and then.
I am done eating, Dumty is still awake but he didn’t want anything (unusual). He has not thrown up yet though, nor have I. According to the clock and my estimation of the velocity of Albatross, it should be about time to change direction. I have to sit here for a while though, to put up courage. It might be my imagination, but I actually believe that the wind has increased further more since I lashed the rudder. The only thing that really makes my go out in this madcat weather again, is that if I continue on this course ---- sooner or later I will go right at a group of killerrocks.
Done ! The compassbearing is straight at N. Well, the needle sways some between NNE and NNW due to the high sea, but summed up, Albatross should be in rather fair N direction (hopefully).
I have dropped anchor outside the Island Sleepy Islet --- on the leeward side. I and Dumty hit the deck for a one hour stroll, it is impossible to land Sleepy Islet at the spot. The sky tells me ---- tomorrow.
Fifth September. Get off! I hope you find my writing legible, I am still in bed and Dumty is pushing me around with a powerful combination of ironwill and 121 lb. I reckon he wants to land, or at least once more take a stroll on the deck. The wind has slacken enough to make a landing possible, but on the other hand it still rains fairly heavy ---- and I don’t need to go outside the cabin myself, there is actually a miniaturized bathroom in direct connection with the cabin --- equipped even with a bathroomdoor and a lock.
Sixth September. It is late afternoon, I and Dumty have been wandering around Sleepy Islet all day. The Island is not bigger than that I dared to unlash Dumty. As far as I have seen, the only animals of greater sizes than mice and squirrels are birds.
According to the chart the nearest Island to sleepy Islet is six and a half nautical miles from it. And it is 15 nautical miles to the mainland. In the middle of the Island, there is a hollow rockformation --- serving as a freshwaterreservoir. The reservoir is in shadow by spruces and pines. So due to the many rainy days in this area --- I believe that brother squirrel can take a saltfree swim in midsummer also.
I and Dumty are leaving the waters of Sleepy Islet ---- a perfect Island. Dumty is bending across the gunwale --- biting at the surges and beaming of joy. I on the other hand feel rather gloomy, having to turn back. I don’t fancy the reality of getting back to the job again. Born free and bored to death. I will not write anything on the journey back, because I want to see as much of the sea as possible, and it would be too much of a returnwriting anyway.
Sleepy Islet waters. The sixth of September.
Skriven av: Yngve Åslund
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