Kategori: Novell
It was her car but he was driving. It was the car her father had given to her when she got her drivers license. The old grey Volvo her brother had named Silver.
They had been together for a long time now. He, she and Silver. He was always the one driving. Even though it was her car, it just seemed right.
They were the perfect couple, everyone said so. He also said so. People would look back upon the as one of the great couples of time, like Romeo and Juliette he said.
But he also said that if they were to be remembered they had to die. She had laughed at him in the beginning but she soon realised that he was serious. And he was right, wasn’t he? Have you ever heard of a great love story that ended with “and so they lived happily ever after”. No that was just for fairytales and small children. In the real world nobody was remembered for being happy. People remembered suffering and sacrifice.
Tonight was the night. They had found the spot months ago. Tonight was their first anniversary with a full moon. He had planned this all his life. He was the one who was going to end their life by crushing them against a wall. The car was a mere tool, a tool in the holy quest of love.
As the Volvo accelerated to what she thought might as well have been the speed of light, the wall grew in front of them. At first it seemed small and harmless but as the distance melted away between the car and the wall it seemed more and more slid and dark. The height also seemed to increase, from a few feet to a full mans height.
Soon it was as big and dark as you might imagine the gates of hell to be. And perhaps that was what they were. Was not suicide a mortal sin.
What if they did not die from the crash. Or even worse, what if only one of them died. Would they be strong enough to try again. Would they be physically capable to try again. Why was the car so big and safe. Why did they not choose a safer way to die.
But did it matter. Did she really want to die. But she had to. All great lovers died. They ones who lived happily ever after were never remembered. And their love was to great to thaw away with time. At least that is what he had said. He had explained everything to her. She knew that they had to do this, for their love. He had drawn it like a beautiful picture. Their funeral, their graves and eternity together.
But did she really ant to die. The answer to the question was easy, she just did not want to find it.
Soon it would all be over. Then there would be no regrets. The wall was not far away now. It would be over in a matter of seconds. She had to stay, had to die. For his sake, for their sake, for their love.
She looked at him. It had sounded so romantic when he said it “like Romeo and Juliette”. She looked at him. He looked so determined. “Just like Romeo, just like Romeo, just like Romeo..” There was the wall.
“… and Juliette.”
Skriven av: Charsmin
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Veckans författare:
Johan Andersson
Söker med orden, letar i mina tankar, försöker förstå mig själv, min omvärld och vad som väntar runt hörnet.
På andra plats denna veckan: Johan forssell