Kategori: Dikter om kärlek
I will always love you
I will always care for you
I will always hold you
I will be there for you
All we had in common
shall we share again
Never loose companion
In a while the love remain
There was a time we lost the way
In years there was a song to play
It took a while rememering
A tenderness In need to stay
In my heart I hold the flame
Staying by your side
There were goal and hopes
We were lovers all the time
I will always love you
I will always care for you
I will always hold you
I will be there for you
Gunvi Kjellgren
Status: Silver författare
Gunvi Kjellgren är medlem sedan 2022 Gunvi Kjellgren har 32 publicerade verk
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Veckans författare:
Johan Andersson
Söker med orden, letar i mina tankar, försöker förstå mig själv, min omvärld och vad som väntar runt hörnet.
På andra plats denna veckan: Johan forssell