Publicerat 08.07.2019
Kategori: Dikter om livet
Kategori: Dikter om livet
How wretched is what they practice!
They deny the truth, yet they worship themselves, someone like them or worse, something dark from the unseen.
When they are called towards the light they turn on their heels, running away towards the dark.
They have missed that in them is a part that wants to worship, but when they turn away from the light, there's only darkness on the other side.
They deny the truth, yet they worship themselves, someone like them or worse, something dark from the unseen.
How wretched is that they practice!
Studerande, gillar att skriva inte om mig själv...
Förövrigt: Backed upp, witnessed from above. Not fearing the Creation, but the Creator.
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Farhiya är medlem sedan 2019 Farhiya har 51 publicerade verk
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Ann Larsson
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På andra plats denna veckan: Petra Christiansen