Kategori: Dikter om glädje
I can walk on clouds
I can walk on clouds
I can walk on clouds
I can walk on clouds, catch moonbeams in my hands,
Kiss the morning dew and chase the sun in morning light.
Can you?
I can dream upon a mountain, bathe in its ice-cold streams,
Whistle to the birds and fly upon the wind.
Let us marvel in the night, chase spiders to their graves,
Walk across the sand and count its many grains.
Let us open the door to our imagination, fly from the face of the earth and touch the heavens -
We have much to learn, and many things to see.
Bo Grapenskog
Bo Grapenskog är medlem sedan 2015 Bo Grapenskog har 1943 publicerade verk
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Veckans författare:
Johan Andersson
Söker med orden, letar i mina tankar, försöker förstå mig själv, min omvärld och vad som väntar runt hörnet.
På andra plats denna veckan: Johan forssell