Kategori: Dikter om livet
I want to capture every moment
I want to capture every moment with you.
’Cause I don’t want the time to be wasted.
Life can be so fragile,
So we have to make sure to keep it safe
And precious.
For in our hearts we carry the memories of our lost and loved ones.
The dreams that makes us keep going forward.
Into the future and into ourselves.
Let us cherish today
And forget about yesterday.
Don’t let the past haunt you
And live like you’re in prison.
So when your heart is shattered into pieces,
Remember that I will always be there to pick them up.
Anything to make you happy
And smile again.
Petra Christiansen är medlem sedan 2022 Petra Christiansen har 18 publicerade verk
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Veckans författare:
Ann Larsson
Snart femtioårig fyrbarnsmamma från Norrbotten som alltid älskat att skriva.
På andra plats denna veckan: Petra Christiansen