Kategori: Dikter om kärlek
Love the greatest gift
Love the greatest gift
The greatest gift we humans have is love
We could not do without it with all of the shame
Let us take one day at a time and let hope be there at all
In these times should be enough to draw hearts with grip wax
A life goes by so fast and wasting of the love you've hidden
For no one wants to go on the shadow side, not to be seen and forgotten
Build yourself a picture and be understanding, it is best
For life is the best you have a real taklagsfest
You do not need millions when you have received the largest tax
The Parliament should be there and promote this in the debate
Anyone can give both of their heart and soul of it gives so much
To just be who you are and give everything a chance, it's feat
So, let the greatest gift be a symbol of human intellect
There is so much misery in the world and lots of misunderstandings
Do you love the jacket and swing it out into the wide world
We are moving towards the same direction and no one is untouched on this journey

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Veckans författare:

Ann Larsson
Snart femtioårig fyrbarnsmamma från Norrbotten som alltid älskat att skriva.
På andra plats denna veckan: Dasi Rygord