Kategori: Dikter om kärlek
The Blackbird… or To my Love One…
The Blackbird
is taken me to haven
The Blackbird
is taken me home
The Blackbird
is stronger than ever
The Blackbird
is singing alone
The Blackbird
is breaking the walls down
The Blackbird
is open the skye´s
The Blackbird
is move towards the rainbow
The Blackbird
is promise the light
The Blackbird
sing to hes love one
The Blackbird
is giving her hope
The Blackbird
is ending the winter
The Blackbird
is melting the snow
The Blackbird
is flying in concert
The Blackbird
is fighting the night
The Blackbird
is flying above me
He gave me
the rose as a sign…

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Veckans författare:

Ann Larsson
Snart femtioårig fyrbarnsmamma från Norrbotten som alltid älskat att skriva.
På andra plats denna veckan: Dasi Rygord