Publicerat 23.07.2015
Kategori: Dikter om livet
Kategori: Dikter om livet
Through thorn bush...
I made my home a castle
castle against the world
Invite life
the real one
distance valuable pearls
Open doors were waiting
Waiting for those
find their way
Through thorn bush high
over mountains
in dawn
from the ocean
like fish in a bay
So make your home a castle
castle against the world
Where love is shine
like a diamond
Like a pearl in your heart
for the world...
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Hur blir man veckans författare?
Veckans författare:
Ann Larsson
Snart femtioårig fyrbarnsmamma från Norrbotten som alltid älskat att skriva.
På andra plats denna veckan: Petra Christiansen