Kategori: Dikter om kärlek

What's gone

Tell me how to sleep at night
or how to solace my mind
after you walked out the door
and took my right to fight
and turned my world blind

Tell me how to feel the sun
or how to touch the moonshine
when you turned your back
and my heart cracked

cracked open like an earthquake
shaking my world and crushing my all
shattering my soul into pieaces
and no more able to stand tall

scattered to the four winds
north, east, south and west
with nothing but pain
and your foot on my chest

the absence of your breath
and the silence of your heart
the coldness of your words

the hard rain whipping my skin
and the snowflakes freezing my steps
the lake drowning my tears
and the mirror forcing my fears

the reflection of whats missing
fading what I was kissing
disapearing from existence
now I'm back to square one
close my door and put up my fence

Ronny Feghali är medlem sedan 2020 Ronny Feghali har 42 publicerade verk


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Hur blir man veckans författare?

Veckans författare:

Johan Andersson

Söker med orden, letar i mina tankar, försöker förstå mig själv, min omvärld och vad som väntar runt hörnet.

Johan Andersson

På andra plats denna veckan: Johan forssell