Kategori: Spänning noveller

Black smoke 44

Has the story reached you?
The Angel said, "stay here, Allah will speak to you!"
Then He brought me back to Earth, I wanted back to heaven.
I didn't understand, the Angel insisted and left me there.
Then I received a book of knowledge, the little boy said, "do not be afraid, this is yours take it!"
Go both of you, and remind the children of Israel.
I have since 2016
my youtubechannel
I tried to reach them, the Children of Israel
Then when they knew...
I lost my work
I lost my appartment
I lost my family
I will not loose myself
This is my purpose
To serve Allah
I have Allah
I will never lose

Studerande, gillar att skriva inte om mig själv... Förövrigt: Backed upp, witnessed from above. Not fearing the Creation, but the Creator.
Farhiya är medlem sedan 2019 Farhiya har 51 publicerade verk


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Hur blir man veckans författare?

Veckans författare:

Johan Andersson

Söker med orden, letar i mina tankar, försöker förstå mig själv, min omvärld och vad som väntar runt hörnet.

Johan Andersson

På andra plats denna veckan: Johan forssell